Article 1 Definition of Terms

1.1 “Force majeure” refers to any situation or event beyond the control of JISG, including but not limited to: telecommunications backbone network closure, telecommunications backbone network accidents, actions of central or local governments, strikes, blockades or other labor disputes, national disorder, war, natural disasters or regional emergencies, etc.

1.2 The parties in this Agreement refer only to the parties to this Agreement, namely you and JISG mentioned above.

Article 2 Qualification Statement and Warranty

2.1 You shall comply with the relevant laws, regulations and administrative rules and regulations of the country when you access the Internet public network.

2.2 You are aware that it must have the corresponding qualifications to use the server agreed in this Agreement to access the Internet to carry out related business in order to operate legally. To this end, you guarantee that you will continue to have all the qualifications required to carry out such business and/or perform relevant procedures when this Agreement is signed and during the validity period of this Agreement. You shall comply with this Agreement and the national government cabinet regulations and strictly abide by the commitments in such documents.

2.2.1 If you engage in non-commercial Internet information services, you must strictly follow the provisions of the “Non-commercial Internet Record Management Measures”. You must dynamically maintain and update the user information of the recorded website, and regularly report the information required for website management to JISG and JISG’s industry supervisory department. You promise and confirm that all the recorded information you submit is true and valid. When the recorded information provided changes, you should submit updated information to the record system in a timely manner. If the recorded information is inaccurate due to failure to update in time, JISG has the right to take closing measures such as stopping technical services and disconnecting network access in accordance with the law.

2.2.2 If you engage in commercial Internet information services, you must strictly follow the provisions of the “Internet Information Service Management Measures”, obtain the corresponding value-added telecommunications business license, and indicate the business license number in a prominent position on the website homepage.

2.2.3 If you engage in commercial Internet information services, you must show JISG the Internet Information Service Value-Added Telecommunications Business License issued by the Communications Administration and its copy; if you engage in non-commercial Internet information services, you must show JISG a copy of the record certificate issued by the Communications Administration. If you fail to provide JISG with relevant qualification certificates as required above, JISG has the right to interrupt your service. 2.2.4 If you engage in special Internet information services such as electronic bulletins, news, publishing, education, health care, drugs and medical devices, culture, radio, film and television programs, etc., you shall, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and relevant national regulations, be reviewed and approved by the relevant competent authorities, perform approval or filing procedures, and obtain approval or filing documents from relevant communications management departments. 2.2.5 You guarantee that you have fulfilled the procedures required by other laws, regulations and departmental rules or have obtained relevant qualification certificates, otherwise JISG has the right to interrupt your service. 2.3 You shall submit the originals of the above-mentioned qualification certificates and materials to JISG for review in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, and submit copies (with official seal) for JISG to retain. You guarantee that the information provided is true, legal, valid and complete. 2.4 If you violate any of the guarantees in this Agreement, including but not limited to not having all the qualifications and licenses required to conduct business, fulfilling relevant procedures, or losing all or part of the qualifications and licenses during the validity period of this Agreement, JISG has the right to suspend the provision of relevant services and require you to make corrections within a time limit. If you fail to make corrections within the time limit, JISG has the right to terminate this Agreement without any liability. You shall bear the liability for breach of contract and compensate JISG for the corresponding losses. Article 3 Your Rights and Obligations

3.1 You must comply with other relevant laws, regulations or relevant provisions of Hong Kong and the country when operating your business or transmitting information, and shall not commit any illegal or irregular acts or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. You shall be responsible for your own network information security and bear all responsibilities. 3.1.1 You promise that the information content transmitted through the server shall not contain any of the following circumstances:

(1) Information content involving state secrets and security. (2) Information content involving feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terrorism, and abetment of crime. (3) Information content that violates the national ethnic and religious policies. (4) Spreading email advertisements and spam (SPAM): using the server to spread a large number of unwelcome or unsolicited emails, electronic advertisements or emails containing reactionary, pornographic or other harmful information; promoting, introducing or soliciting business for websites placed on the server by spreading a large number of unwelcome or unsolicited emails or electronic advertisements.

(5) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order and undermining social stability

(6) Other information content that is detrimental to social order, public security, social public morality, violates the mandatory provisions of laws and regulations, or infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of others.

3.1.2 You shall not engage in the following acts that endanger the security and information security of telecommunications networks:

(1) Deleting or modifying the functions of telecommunications networks or the data and applications stored, processed or transmitted.

(2) Using telecommunications networks to engage in activities that steal or destroy the information of others or infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others.

(3) Deliberately creating, copying or spreading computer viruses or attacking other people’s telecommunications networks and other telecommunications facilities in other ways.

(4) Other acts that endanger the security and information security of telecommunications networks.

3.1.3 If you are in any of the circumstances stipulated in Articles 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 above, JISG has the right to suspend or stop providing relevant business services, disconnect network access, save relevant records, and report to the competent government departments in accordance with relevant regulations. You shall be responsible for all consequences and responsibilities caused by this. At the same time, JISG has the right to terminate this agreement without any liability; you shall pay JISG a penalty of 10% of the total amount of this agreement and compensate JISG for the corresponding losses.

3.1.4 If JISG is liable to the outside due to your illegal or infringing behavior or content of information transmitted through the server, you shall be responsible for resolving it, paying JISG a penalty of 10% of the total amount of the agreement and compensating JISG for all losses suffered thereby; at the same time, JISG has the right to terminate this agreement directly.

3.1.5 You shall use the service within the scope of service application stipulated in this agreement, and shall not use the Internet access service provided by JISG to operate other telecommunications services for which you are not qualified, shall not use the Internet access service to engage in illegal activities, and shall not use the Internet bandwidth to provide penetration traffic access to any third party in any way. If you have the above behavior, JISG has the right to suspend access and notify you to make corrections, and you are obliged to cooperate.

3.2 You shall be responsible for the integrity and confidentiality of the data you store on the server.

3.3 You shall pay the technical service fees to JISG in a timely and full manner in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

3.4 When you use the services of this Agreement, if you violate the provisions of relevant laws, regulations, and administrative regulations, JISG has the right to require you to use the services in a legal manner. And require you to correct it within the time limit. If you refuse to correct it, JISG has the right to immediately terminate the provision of relevant services to you after notifying you in writing, until the agreement is partially or completely terminated, and JISG shall not bear any compensation liability. If the relevant competent authorities issue a ban or similar requirements to JISG involving the services under this Agreement, JISG shall immediately execute it, but shall promptly notify you in writing, and JISG shall not bear any compensation liability.

3.5 If you engage in commercial Internet information services, you must present to JISG the Internet Information Service Value-added Telecommunications Business License issued by the Communications Administration and its copy; if you engage in non-commercial Internet information services, you must present to JISG a copy of the filing certificate issued by the Communications Administration. If you fail to provide JISG with relevant qualification certificates as required above, JISG has the right to interrupt your service.

3.6 You shall ensure that the server is used within the scope of application agreed in this Agreement, and the scope of network services applied is within the scope specified in the Internet Information Service Value-added Telecommunications Business License or the filing certificate of the Communications Administration, otherwise JISG has the right to interrupt your service.

3.7 If the relevant national regulatory authorities or communications management authorities take measures such as supervision and inspection of your equipment on their own or require JISG, you are obliged to cooperate with the relevant departments and JISG as required.

3.8 You shall use the relevant services in the agreed manner, and JISG shall not be liable for the consequences of the inability to effectively obtain services due to your improper use or management.

Article 4 Rights and Obligations of JISG

4.1 JISG is responsible for opening business for you and providing related services for your use in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; the ownership of the servers and related facilities provided by JISG still belongs to JISG.

4.2 JISG provides necessary assistance and cooperation for your system installation, network commissioning, system maintenance and other work.

4.3 JISG has the right to check the content of public information in your information server and require you to modify or delete inappropriate information content and content that exceeds the scope of business license or filing items; if you do not correct it, JISG has the right to suspend or terminate the service.

4.4 JISG shall provide you with invoices or receipts in a timely manner after receiving the payment.

4.5 JISG promises to provide 7 x 24 (7 days a week x 24 hours) network connection status monitoring, 7 x 24 hours host operation status monitoring, 7 x 24 hours JISG system management and technical support services.

4.6 If you are punished by the communications management department for temporarily closing the website or closing the website, JISG has the right to immediately suspend or terminate the provision of relevant services to you, and you shall bear the losses caused by this.

4.7 During the service period, if you request to terminate part or all of the services in advance due to your own reasons, you must submit a written application to JISG thirty days in advance, and the fees you have paid shall not be refunded. You shall bear all losses caused to JISG by the early termination of this agreement and bear the corresponding responsibilities.

Article 5 Service Content, Fees and Payment Method

5.1 “Service” in this Agreement means: JISG provides you with the elastic cloud host service displayed on the website and related technical and network support services.

5.2 The service fee items, amounts and payment methods involved in this agreement will be listed and publicized on your order page. You can choose the specific service type and pay it according to the listed price.

5.3 The payment method is online payment (supporting Alipay, WeChat, online banking, etc.). After you pay, JISG will start to provide you with relevant services. If payment is not made within 1 hour after placing an order, the order and these Terms of Service and all actions agreed upon with you regarding the service will automatically become invalid;

5.4 You understand and fully acknowledge that JISG may adjust the service fee according to government and industry charging standards and its own operational needs.

5.5 If both parties are willing to continue cooperation after the service period expires, you should pay the renewal fee before each service deadline to allow the service to continue. If JISG adjusts the product system, name or price during renewal, both parties agree to perform in accordance with the new product system, name or price effective at that time.

5.6 You fully understand that all free service items or activities in the JISG price system are one-time special offers from JISG outside the normal service price. The discount does not include the modification, update and maintenance costs of the free service items, and the free service items cannot be discounted to offset the service price.

Article 6 Service Term

6.1 After the order payment is successful, the JISG system will automatically activate the server for you according to the server configuration and system you confirmed.

6.2 The validity period of new user services starts from the date of activation of various services; the validity period of renewed user services will be automatically extended accordingly.

Article 7 Intellectual Property

7.1 You shall ensure that the materials submitted to JISG, the use of JISG services and the results of the use of JISG services do not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. If a third party files a claim, lawsuit or may file a lawsuit against JISG for infringement of copyright, infringement of the rights of a third party or violation of Chinese laws and regulations or other applicable laws, you shall bear all responsibilities and be responsible for handling and compensating JISG for all losses suffered as a result. 7.2 You acknowledge that the intellectual property rights of any information, technology or technical support, software, services, etc. provided to you by JISG belong to JISG or a third party. Unless expressly agreed by JISG or a third party, you have no right to copy, disseminate, transfer, license or provide others with the use of the above resources, otherwise you shall bear the corresponding responsibilities and compensate JISG or a third party for all losses. Article 8 Confidentiality

8.1 Both parties shall bear confidentiality responsibilities for the business secrets of the other party related to or obtained through this Agreement, and the validity period of the confidentiality responsibility shall be three years after the termination of the agreement. 8.2 You have a confidentiality obligation for the business secrets of JISG that you have learned within the scope of its services. Without the written permission of JISG, you shall not provide or disclose to any third party any data and information related to JISG’s business learned from the signing and performance of this Agreement, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. JISG shall not be subject to this limitation if it provides or discloses data and information related to your business to its affiliates or relevant government agencies. 8.3 Without the written permission of JISG, the customer shall not transfer its rights and obligations obtained under this Agreement. 8.4 Both parties shall have a confidentiality obligation for the cooperation between the two parties and the specific contents of this Agreement. Neither party shall disclose the cooperation between the two parties and the specific contents of this Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party. Article 9 Force Majeure and Disclaimer

9.1 Including but not limited to natural disasters, wars, strikes, terrorism, government actions, changes in national laws, regulations or rules, network security, network coverage failure, power outages, communication lines are considered to be damaged, fires not caused by the parties, accidental interruptions of basic telecommunications networks and other force majeure reasons that cannot be foreseen by the parties and whose occurrence and consequences cannot be prevented or avoided, resulting in the inability of both parties or one party to continue to perform its obligations under this Agreement. The affected party shall not bear any liability for breach of contract, but shall promptly notify the other party of the reasons for its inability to perform or delay in performing its obligations under the agreement, and provide relevant documentary evidence of the occurrence of force majeure within 15 days. According to the degree of impact of the force majeure on this agreement, one party or both parties shall continue to perform the agreement within the time after the impact of force majeure is eliminated.

9.2 The party suffering from force majeure shall take all necessary measures to reduce losses and immediately resume the performance of this agreement after the event is eliminated, unless such performance is impossible or unnecessary.

9.3 If the government management department requests, JISG will suspend or terminate the provision of corresponding services, and JISG shall not bear any responsibility.

Article 10 Agreement Rescission, Termination and Liability for Breach of Contract

10.1 This Agreement shall be terminated under the following circumstances, and the terminating party shall notify the other party in writing:

10.1.1 The subject qualification of one party disappears, such as bankruptcy. However, reorganization, name change or merger with a third party are not included in this list. 10.1.2 If one party seriously breaches this Agreement, the other party shall terminate this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 10.1.3 This Agreement shall be terminated due to force majeure or the two parties shall terminate this Agreement by consensus. 10.1.4 Termination in accordance with the circumstances stipulated in relevant national laws and regulations. 10.2 Both parties acknowledge that any violation of this Agreement by either party will cause irreparable losses to the other party. If one party breaches the agreement, the party complying with the agreement shall be entitled to obtain compensation through the relevant provisions of this Agreement. 10.3 You guarantee that you will not conduct security attacks on other customers of JISG and JISG itself through JISG equipment or equipment provided by JISG. If this clause is violated, JISG has the right to terminate this Agreement immediately and reserves the right to seek compensation through due process.

10.4 You fully understand and agree that after the expiration of the service period specified in this Agreement, if you fail to pay the renewal fee before the service expiration date, this Agreement will be automatically terminated. You need to back up and migrate the data in advance. After the termination of the agreement, JISG will release the server and delete the data. JISG has the full right to dispose of your server and the data information stored in your server, and does not need to bear any responsibility.

10.5 The early termination of a service under this Agreement will not affect the execution of other services under this Agreement.

10.6 The termination of this Agreement will not affect the rights and obligations that both parties should perform before the termination of the contract, nor will it affect the right to claim damages.

Article 11 Interpretation, applicable law, effective conditions and others of the agreement

11.1 The cancellation, termination or invalidation of the relevant provisions of this Agreement will not affect the validity of the relevant provisions of this Agreement on the interpretation of the agreement, liability for breach of contract, intellectual property rights, applicable law, limitation of liability, compensation and dispute resolution.

11.2 The conclusion, validity, interpretation, performance and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be subject to the laws, regulations, regulations of the telecommunications management department and the standards of the computer industry of the People’s Republic of China.

11.3 If any clause of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable according to the applicable current laws, all other clauses of this Agreement will continue to be valid. In this case, the parties will replace the agreement with a valid agreement, and the valid agreement should be as close as possible to the original agreement and the corresponding spirit and purpose of this Agreement.

11.4 The understanding and interpretation of this Agreement shall be based on the purpose and original meaning of the text of the agreement and the common understanding and practice in the industry, and the various clauses of this Agreement and related annexes shall be understood and interpreted as a whole. The titles in this Agreement are for reminder purposes only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. The rights and obligations of Party A and Party B shall be determined by the content of the Agreement.

11.5 If the national laws, regulations, departmental rules and regulations on which this Agreement is based change, the parties shall appropriately change this Agreement in accordance with national laws, regulations or departmental rules, and this Agreement shall change the relevant content to ensure the continued cooperation between the two parties.

11.6 If the relevant terms or agreements of this Agreement are inconsistent or conflicting with the relevant terms previously signed by both parties or the relevant statements of JISG, this Agreement shall prevail. 11.7 Without the consensus of both parties, the rights and obligations under this Agreement shall not be transferred or licensed to a third party, unless one party undergoes reorganization, merger or name change, but the other party shall be notified in writing. Article 12 Supplementary Provisions

12.1 JISG’s service description, price description and order page on the relevant pages of and your confirmed agreement are an integral part of these Terms of Service. If the service description, price description and order page on the relevant pages of are inconsistent with these Terms of Service, this Service Agreement shall prevail. 12.2 Under this Agreement, JISG’s failure to exercise or delay in exercising any rights or claims shall not be equivalent to JISG’s waiver of such rights. And if JISG partially waives any rights, it does not exclude JISG from exercising other or further rights. 12.3 If any clause of this Agreement is determined to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable at any time, it will not affect the performance and validity of other clauses of this Agreement. 12.4 JISG reserves the right to amend the terms of this Service Agreement, but JISG shall notify the customer of the revised content by publishing an announcement or internal letter on the relevant page of 7 days in advance. The revised content will take effect 10 days after the issuance of the revision notice. 12.5 Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed or interpreted as a joint venture, partnership or agency relationship between the parties. 12.6 This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

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